Developing games with Ruby and MiniGL: Part 7 - a complete game!
Exploring "Super Bombinhas", a complete game made with MiniGL
Developing games with Ruby and MiniGL: Part 6 - physics-based movement
Transforming our maze game into a platformer!
Developing games with Ruby and MiniGL: Part 5 - cameras and maps
Exploring the camera/viewport control features and creation of maps and grids.
Developing games with Ruby and MiniGL: Part 4 - text and buttons
Including an objective and the possibility of restarting the game.
Developing games with Ruby and MiniGL: Part 3 - animation and collision
Let's animate images and make things collide.
Developing games with Ruby and MiniGL: Part 2 - the basics
In this post we'll explore MiniGL's basic features, like drawing images and reading user commands.
Developing games with Ruby and MiniGL: Part 1 - Preparing the environment
How to setup a development environment for games with the Ruby language and the MiniGL library.
Linux Quick Guide: Read the last part of files using tail
Quick guide on using tail to read the last few lines of files.
Linux Quick Guide: Read the first part of files using head
Quick guide on using head to read the first few lines of files.
Linux Quick Guide: Counting lines using wc
Quick guide on using wc to compute the number of lines in files.